How Fast Is Your Internet, Really? Here’s How to Find Out


We’ve all seen the tell-tale signs of an internet connection that’s struggling to keep up. Maybe your latest round of Warzone was lagging, or Disney Plus keeps buffering while you’re trying to binge The Mandalorian. The next time your home internet connection getting in the way of your good time, take a few minutes to troubleshoot it. A good place to start is by checking your internet connection’s speed. 

Amplifying any perceived connection issues from your internet service provider is that many of us are still working remotely, at least part of the time. Combine that with your roommates or fellow family members all working, schooling, playing games and streaming videos, and your internet speed can start to falter. 

Shopping for a faster internet speed?

We’ll send you the fastest internet options, so you don’t have to find them.

The fix may be as simple as restarting…

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