House investigators release report detailing how Fauci, other NIH officials lied to journalists about gain-of-function research –

House investigators release report detailing how Fauci, other NIH officials lied to journalists about gain-of-function research

More bombshells have dropped about how Tony Fauci and other career criminals at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) lied to the media and to Congress about gain-of-function research on viruses.

House investigators on the Energy and Commerce Committee released a 73-page report detailing how Fauci et al. deceived the world about the nature of this high-risk protocol being used to manipulate bat coronaviruses, for instance, which many believe is how the world ended up with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

The most recent bombshell to come to light about all this were the lies told by Fauci to The New York Times concerning his participation in putting together a Nature Medicine article claiming the “pandemic” could not have originated in a lab in…

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