Honest analysis of the frightening repercussions of Kamala’s food price control proposals from an industry insider – NaturalNews.com

AMERICA’S HOLODOMOR: Honest analysis of the frightening repercussions of Kamala’s food price control proposals from an industry insider

Our company, Health Ranger Store, buys many millions of dollars of mostly certified organic food raw materials each year to manufacture food and supplements. Here’s an honest (and devastating) assessment of what Kamala’s proposed food price controls will actually cause across America.

The organic food supply chain imploded during the COVID years as farms were devastated by government-ordered lockdowns and shutdowns, often stemming from fraudulent, quack science PCR tests of farm workers. A government agent, usually from some sort of county or state health department, would swab all the workers, run some utterly non-calibrated PCR tests in a van in the parking lot, generate a single “positive” result and order the complete shutdown of the…

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