Hold Your Horses: Biden Isn’t Dead In The Water Yet


The 2024 race for the White House between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump appears to be tightening just weeks after the two became their respective parties’ presumptive nominees, according to recent national and battleground state polling.

While Biden hasn’t led in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) national average since early September 2023, Trump’s margin has dropped to just 0.6 points. The former president is still ahead in the RCP averages for Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina, but recent polling indicates his leads are shrinking. (RELATED: Poll After Poll Shows Voters Felt Way Better Off Under Trump Than Biden)

“I think we’re seeing a tightening as both candidates clinched their nominations,” Jon McHenry, GOP polling analyst and vice president at North Star Opinion Research, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Even…

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