Once synonymous with dominance, a legendary college football program finds itself at a pivotal juncture. Since 2007, the program had never tasted the bitter sting of a four-loss season—until now. Following a dramatic decrease to a 17-year low, 20 players have chosen to depart, leaving fans and analysts astonished. It’s reminiscent of The Dark Knight, where a once invincible force now finds itself dealing with unexpected turmoil and internal conflicts. The burning question on everyone’s mind is: Can this iconic program rise from the ashes, or is the golden era truly over?
Heading into the offseason, the Alabama Crimson Tide’s 2025 football roster faced two significant challenges: the transfer portal and the NFL draft. After a devastating loss in the Relia Quest Bowl, nine players entered the transfer portal, bringing the total number of departures to 24. One notable loss was…