Hezbollah Violence Intensifies on the Israel-Lebanon Border

US foreign policy is failing to keep Israeli clashes with Hezbollah from growing.

While most of the world is focused on Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah is wreaking havoc. Since the horrific October 7 attack by the Hamas terrorists on southern Israel, the continuous barrage of Iran-supplied Hezbollah missiles and mortar rounds has been more of a sideshow to the Gaza conflict. That is changing rapidly, however, and US policy in the region is not keeping up with the ramped-up intensity.

Taking on Hezbollah Is a Priority for Israel

Israel is in a position where it must counter a growing enemy on its northern border supplied by Iran. As Liberty Nation News explained in its report, “Israel Cannot Give Up the Fight”:

“Sometimes, it becomes all too easy to see events in a conflict like that – started on Oct. 7 by Hamas’ murderous attack…

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