Here’s Why Progressives Hate Homeschooling – RedState

If there is one thing a Marxist hates, it’s the notion that people should be allowed to make their own choices without having the state meddle in their affairs. This is especially true when it comes to educating and raising children, an issue that has been the subject of fiery debate over recent years.

With parents increasingly taking their children out of government-run schools amid concerns over indoctrination and subpar education, some on the left are already beginning their push to ensure the state exerts control over these kids – particularly those who are being homeschooled.

RedState’s Becky Noble wrote an eye-opening piece about an op-ed published in Scientific American advocating for the federal government to regulate homeschooling. The details of the author’s plan are quite alarming and terrifying.

In a June 17 newsletter, “Scientific American” Magazine, based on…

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