Here’s How the Biden-Harris Admin. Completely Rewrote Reality to Dismiss Your Concerns About the Economy – RedState


I have a question for voters considering Kamala Harris in the upcoming election: What goes through your mind when a lie so massive, with such personal ramifications, is revealed right before your eyes?

Are you mad? Are you equally as mad when your side blatantly gaslights reality as, say, when Donald Trump says something that offends you?

You would think that the lies coming from the Biden-Harris administration over the past few years, on a topic that affects you and your family on a daily basis, would be significantly more infuriating than a mean Trump.

The lies about the economy have been plentiful. While your wallet has been suffering for years under this administration, President Biden and Vice President Harris have done nothing but repeatedly lie about a fictitious recovery and, rather than address your financial hardships, simply rewritten the rules to convince you that things…

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