Health Sec. Levine Opposed Age Limits for Transgender Treatment

Transgender advocate and Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine pushed to remove age limits from the draft guidelines for medical treatment of people who say they are transgender.

document called, “Appendix A to Supplemental Expert Report of James Cantonr, PH.D” was released as part of a lawsuit, Boe v. Marshall, according to Jesse Signal, a left-wing critic of transgender ideology. Cantor is described as being a “Canadian sex researcher” and “critic of youth gender medicine, and frequent expert witness on behalf of those attempting to ban” or restrict youth gender health care.

Cantor writes in the document that, Levine “attempted to and did influence the substantive content of” the Standards of Care Rules, version 8 (SOC-8), “based on political goals rather than science.”

The SOC-8 rules are guidelines that help medical professionals provide safe…

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