Heading Out for the Holiday? Some Travel Tips From a Former Pro – RedState


If you, like me, are preparing to head out to fly somewhere for the holiday, you are, like me, probably looking forward to it with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Air travel is always tiring and frequently stressful. Back in the days when I was a jacket-and-tie, high-speed, low-drag corporate consultant, I traveled by air all the time. It was generally on short notice, and often a long distance; I did business on four continents, and in case you haven’t noticed, other continents tend to be a long way away. One of those trips, taken on three days’ notice, took me from Denver to Chicago to Frankfurt, Germany to Johannesburg, South Africa – a 30+ hour odyssey that left my colleague and me exhausted.

Travel can have its frustrating moments – as when you’re standing in line at the bag-check counter behind a family of eight who are taking along all of their worldly possessions,…

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