Have Trouble Keeping Plants Alive? These 9 Species Are Impossible to Kill

Houseplants are good for the air, good for the soul and good for cooking if you choose to grow fragrant herbs and leafy greens. Caring for them is another story, and many of us have killed a fern or ficus just as quickly as we brought it into the fold. Fear not, some houseplants are easy to keep alive and others are darn near impossible to kill. If your future green thumb is still a little shaky or your schedule means you’re not always around for watering, you’ll want to stack your windowsills with hard-to-kill houseplants. 

If you’re wondering which are the absolute hardest houseplants to kill? I asked plant experts Rebecca Sterling and Puneet Sabharwal about the most resilient species of common indoor houseplants. Sterling serves as the resident plant expert for Easyplant The brand makes sleek self-watering planters that eliminate one of the main sources of houseplant death:…

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