Capturing the yearning in a Daniel Johnston song is a difficult thing, possibly because the specific kind of longing felt by Johnston — the prolific outsider musician who died a couple of years ago — was difficult to describe, much like the untranslatable words saudade in Portuguese or toska in Russian. In “You Put My Love Out the Door,” a tune he recorded for his 1983 cassette More Songs of Pain, he expressed a sort of bemused rejection after the woman he loved threw his Valentine’s Day card away. It’s lovesickness, embarrassment, and even a few vestiges of hope all wrapped into two minutes of plaintive keening. The Polyphonic Spree attempted a cover of the tune last year, but it ended up sounding a bit too polished with its AM radio horn section and choral embellishments.
Now, somehow, a married couple — Bridgette Moody and John Seasons, who record as…