Hamas Inflated Gaza Death Figures; Included Natural Deaths, Cancer Patients


The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas inflated the death count from the war in Gaza, including natural deaths and cancer patients in the data — and global media outlets faithfully reported the exaggerated totals to vilify Israel.

That’s the conclusion of a new report by the Henry Jackson Society, which is based in the United Kingdom but named for the legendary Sen. Henry Jackson (D-WA), an hawkish Democrat known for his anti-communist foreign policy.

The reportQuestionable Counting: Analysing the Death Toll from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, made the following findings about problems in data from the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry (original emphasis):

Men listed as women to inflate female fatalities. Analysis of Gaza Ministry of Health (MoH) fatality data reveals repeated instances of men being misclassified as women. Examples include individuals with male…

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