Hal Turner Radio Show – UPDATED 8:12 AM EST, SUNDAY –


My wife and son are on their way home to New Jersey from our country home in rural Pennsylvania right now, 9:06 PM EST on December 14.   My son has just sent me video of a Drone, hovering over Scranton, PA, lights flashing, at an altitude of about two thousand feet.

My wife and son are traveling east on Route 6, approaching Interstate 81.  They are in a town called Clarks Summit.  The drone is east of them, over Scranton.

It’s not moving in any direction, just hovering, with Red and green flashing lights, and a single white light that remains on!

My son sent me video from his iPhone.  I am working to get it web-usable. 

Not too much to see.  Can see there’s something up there with red and green flashing lights, but too far away for sound or for clear image.

More if I get it.


Son got on Interstate 81 heading south, and right now is merging onto…

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