It’s 12:39 PM eastern US Time and I am pretty certain I’m coming down with a fever. I’m at my desk, wearing a heavy, “hoodie” sweatshirt, Jeans, and I’m shivering.
I upped the heat in the house to 74 and it’s at that now, but I’m still shivering.
Going to bed for awhile.
Not sure there will be a show tonight.
The Dentist __did__ prescribe an Antibiotic while I was a his office and I had my son go to the Pharmacy and fill it around 7:30 PM last night. I took the first pill just before 8:00 PM when he got home.
Amoxicillin 875 mg, take one pill by mouth every twelve hours.
So I took the first about 8:00 last night and took the next around 7:45 AM this morning. Will take the third tonight at 8:00.
The pain was…