Hal Turner Radio Show – RCMP Secret Memo Warns Canada Is on the Brink of Economic and Social Collapse.


A secret report from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) paints a dire picture of Canada’s future — one where economic collapse, declining living standards, and widespread civil unrest are no longer a hypothetical.

The report, titled “Whole-of-Government Five-Year Trends” for Canada, was never meant for public eyes, containing “special operational information” distributed only among top government decision-makers and law enforcement.

Its conclusion? Canadians are running out of money, running out of hope, and—once they realize the depth of their economic despair could revolt. 

This is why Canada is suddenly criminalizing certain firearms ownership; they __know__ what’s coming.

“The coming period of recession will … accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations,”…

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