Hal Turner Radio Show – Possible FRAUD: Lava Emanating from Yellowstone Geyser

I have just received word this report is likely a FRAUD.   It appears the image was recycled from a phony similar story in 2017 or 2018.  Checking further.

Reports are coming in this morning claiming Lava is erupting from one or more Geysers in Yellowstone National Park, home to the Yellowstone Super-Volcano.  I am investigating these claims. IF this is correct, it will be the first time in recorded history that such a thing has taken place.  The photo accompanied the reports I received and is, as yet, UNVERIFIED.

I have reached out to the National Park Service, to the US Geological Survey, and to other entities to confirm/deny these reports, and gather additional details.  This story will be updated as info becomes available.

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