Hal Turner Radio Show – More Heart Pain

As I write it is 6:17 AM EDT on Monday, July 1, 2024 here in Pennsylvania.  I have more heart pain.  I’m heading home to NJ to head to my Cardiologist.  I think I’ve got another blockage.

You may be aware that back on April of the year 2019, I suffered a Myocardial Infarction heart attack.  I was in my car on a Saturday morning, driving to the local supermarket in North Bergen, NJ when I suddenly felt this “pressure” in the center of my chest.  It didn’t hurt, it felt like someone was kneeling on my chest.   I remember thinking, This is odd, and kept driving.

A few blocks later, I started getting this awful pain in my lower jaw.  Really hurt!  And I started to sweat.  Not some gentle little glistening sweat, I mean a full blown FLOP SWEAT.  The sweat was POURING out of me.

I thought to myself, pressure in my chest, pain in my jaw, now severe sweating, these are…

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