Hal Turner Radio Show – I am Home. I walked out of Englewood Hospital Against Medical Advice


I underwent a Cardiac Cathetarization (again) today because I suffered serious chest pains and jaw pain over the weekend, as reported, earlier, HERE. Thankfully, the views of my heart found NOTHING to account for the chest pains I had.  All is well in there!

They kept me in a bed outside the Cardia Lab for about an hour to make certain the entry point, in my right femoral artery, was not bleeding.  THen they moved me to a room on the 7th floor where I would spend the night – just to make sure I didn’t suffer a bleed.

I was comfy, cozy in bed when the nurse came in.  She told me, I have to write down a list of your personal property, where is it?   I replied “It’s in the plastic bag on the chair right there.”

She started going through it:

Blue Bermuda Shorts with a black leather belt.

Light Blue shirt.

Boxer shorts

Two white sneakers.

She then starts going through the…

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