Groovy Bee® Collagen Peptides – Hydrolyzed Type I and III Collagen 10o – Health Ranger Store

Note: Moisture could cause clumping of the product. Please make sure you open the product quickly, use a dry spoon and close tightly. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature between 50-70°F with 50-70% humidity.

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that plays a crucial role in keeping your skin firm and plump. This structural protein can be found in your skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, teeth, bones and blood vessels. Collagen peptides are a bioavailable form of collagen produced through a process called hydrolysis. This process breaks down collagen into smaller pieces so that your body can more easily use them as building blocks to rejuvenate your aging tissues. The most important and abundant types of collagen inside your body are Type I and Type III collagen.

Although your skin naturally produces its own supply of collagen, this production noticeably slows…

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