Greg Gutfeld: Media Should be Forced to ‘Eat Their Own Words’ Over Failed Takedown of Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


During The Five on FOX News on Friday, Greg Gutfeld reminded his co-hosts and the audience that the media has never apologized for being wrong about Trump or the election. Nor have they ever said they were sorry for repeating every anti-Trump conspiracy theory over the years.

Greg suggested that they must never be allowed to forget. He then took it a step further and said that they should be made to eat their words, maybe by printing their words on cookies.

While he was being humorous, Greg was making a serious point. The media never pauses and admits what they got wrong. They just move on to the next false story meant to rile up Democrat voters.

The Daily Caller has details:

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld told fellow panelist, former Democratic Tennessee Rep. Harold Ford Jr., on Friday evening that President Donald Trump and conservatives should remind legacy media of their…

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