“Green” bonds a total FRAUD – less than 1% of proceeds used for stated purpose
Trillions of dollars have been spent over the years trying to make the world more “green,” but all of it was for naught.
New research reveals that for all the money dumped into green bonds, there is absolutely nothing to show for it. The environment is still just the same as it always was, except the country is much poorer now because of all the green scams.
Had things gone according to plan, the more than $2.6 trillion in green bonds that were issued over the last decade could have helped companies mitigate their climate worries. Instead, it was all a pointless, wasteful smokescreen.
The study, entitled “Green Bonds: New Name, Same Projects,” was compiled by Pauline Lam, a visiting scholar at NYU’s Stern School of Business, and Jeffrey Wurgler, a finance professor at the same institution.