Georgia State Cops Arrest City Councilwoman For Alleged False Statements Relating To Criminal Record


The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) arrested and charged Manchester City Councilwoman Tameka Lowe for alleged false statements, a press release reads.

At the behest of the Manchester Police Department, GBI investigated February allegations that the Councilwoman had falsified her criminal history in her filing to run for a vacant Manchester City Council seat, according to the press release. GBI alleged that “Lowe provided false information on her Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit.”

The councilwoman has been charged with “two counts of False Swearing and one count of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer,” the press release states.

Lowe spent roughly six hours behind bars before posting a $750 bond, WTVM reported.

“I was there but honestly, is that the worst that could happen to me today? It was not,” she told the outlet in an exclusive interview.

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