Gavin Newsom Says California Doesn’t Have A Crime Problem While Staring At Data Showing The Exact Opposite


California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom dismissed his state having a problem with violent crime despite Fox News’ Sean Hannity pulling up the data that says otherwise during a debate Thursday.

Newsom and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took part in “The Great Red State vs. Blue State” debate where they argued back and forth on their respective states’ policies. Hannity pressed Newsom on data pulled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that indicates California’s violent crime rate exceeded that of the national average and Florida’s, to which he immediately argued against.

“Your numbers are way higher than the national average. How do you explain that when safety and security, I would argue, is a prerequisite for the pursuit of happiness?” asked Hannity. (RELATED: ‘Why Don’t You Just Admit That You’re Running?’: DeSantis Presses Newsom On Presidential…

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