Bill Gates to me is highly inconsistent. He is a huge supporter of Climate Change and has done his TED Talks on lowering CO2 to Zero. Of course, the Climate Change contingent is all about reducing the population which is now about 7.5 billion and Gates laments it will hit 9 billion. So for someone who is so concerned about Global Warming, he has three kids but has funded a microchip to implant into women as a contraceptive. That’s right, a computer chip that can be controlled remotely to prevent getting pregnant.
The contraceptive chip is to be implanted under a woman’s skin, releasing a small dose of levonorgestrel, a hormone. This will happen every day for 16-years and can be controlled using a wireless remote device. The project has been backed by none other than Bill Gates. The question I have is hacking. If it can be controlled remotely, then it should be also possible…