From the Back Forty: Biden Celebrates as the Crazy Bubbles Over

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. 

The heartland celebrated Thanksgiving this past week with family and friends and found time to discuss the most current political ridiculousness among somber and sentimental moments and a few big surprises. Who knew Meta-man Mark Zuckerberg would sit and conspire for the future with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago? Or that everyone who’s anyone on the Biden team – notably without Kamala Harris – would happily celebrate a four-year reckoning. The not-so-surprising moment was when a Democratic state lawmaker sought a way out of the next four years without relocating to another country. That was the kicker.

Trump Caused This

When Trump clinched the temporary title of president-elect, New York State Assemblywoman Sen. Liz Krueger had a thought…

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