Mad magazine. Marvel Comics. Steven Spielberg. Philip Glass. Rolling Stone. Annie Leibovitz. Saul Bellow. Superman. Bob Dylan.
These are all Jewish people or institutions. Taken together, and there are a lot more examples, it’s clear that Jewish people have had a titanic influence on American culture. This is something that should be more celebrated in America as the world suffers a new rise in antisemitism.
America wouldn’t be America without Jewish people. In a review of the book Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life, writer Leslye Friedberg puts it well: “What defines American Jewish culture is the pervasiveness of a Jewish ‘sensibility’ that permeates the arts, humanities, and education to name a few of the most significant areas. That sensibility, in many ways, has defined not only American Jewish culture, but…