Frank Pavone: Praying for the Most Important Transition Period in our Movement | The Gateway Pundit


Guest Post by Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

The reaction of the Left to the re-election of President Donald Trump has been, in a word, unhinged.

Women are shaving their heads and swearing off men. Celebrities are vowing to move out of the country (though there is little evidence most of them intend to make good on that promise). A late-night talk show host even cried on the air.

The insane rhetoric has toned down, but as the president’s inauguration on Jan. 20 grows closer, many Conservatives, Christians and pro-lifers are concerned it could ratchet up again.

Just as this was the most important election in our lifetime so this is the most important transition and just as we prayed like crazy for the election we have to pray very hard for this transition as well.

With this in mind, I have written a prayer guide for this transition, asking…

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