Former Brazilian President Indicted In Connection To Money Laundering, Criminal Association Case


Former Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro was indicted Thursday by the country’s federal police allegedly over money laundering and criminal association allegations connected to a case involving undeclared diamonds.

Multiple sources have confirmed to the Associated Press that Bolsonaro was indicted by authorities over a case which involves undeclared diamonds that the former president allegedly received from Saudi Arabia in 2019, which was while he was in office. Both sources did not confirm which specific crimes are within the indictment, as the charges have yet to reach Brazil’s Supreme Court. (RELATED: Bolsonaro’s Home Raided Over Allegations He Used Forged COVID Vaccine Docs To Travel To The US)

The accusations from federal police against Bolsonaro were brought forward last August, claiming he allegedly attempted to sneak in diamond jewelry reportedly worth $3 million and…

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