Fluoride exposure during pregnancy linked to behavior problems in children – NaturalNews.com

New research out of the University of Southern California (USC) drives another nail in the coffin of the outmoded and barbaric practice of artificial water fluoridation.

Scientists from USC’s Keck School of Medicine told the New York Post that children in the womb who are exposed to fluoride via their mothers tend to be born with health problems.

The higher the exposure to fluoride, the more likely a child is to “experience temper tantrums, headaches, stomachaches, anxiety, and symptoms linked to autism,” they said.

Senior study author Tracy Bastain issued the usual duplicitous disclaimer that “exposure to fluoride during pregnancy does not mean that a children will experience greater neurobehavioral problems,” even though this is exactly what her paper demonstrated.

“We found an association between higher prenatal exposure and more neurobehavioral problems at age three but more…

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