Fleccas and Richard RatBoy host the most based, twice-weekly comedy podcast covering Western cultural decline. The podcast lampoons the political regime and reports on what we all know to be true – but few dare say. The Fleccas Talks podcast also provides two massive BonusLand hours for Pulse+ subscribers each week. Sign up today by clicking here Sign up today by clicking here.
EPISODE 224: Border Wall for Sale
Guys we have a top third banger for you today. In Housekeeping we find out that there were in fact many feds at January 6th (duh). After that we warn about a new potential deadly virus the deep state may be releasing soon. Then the Pope is planning on “opening portals” (doesn’t sound good) on Christmas Eve, Nancy Mase got attacked by a pro-trams person, and Trump is the Time Person of the Year. We end Housekeeping with a great page of schizo stuff (aliems,…