FEMA supervisor who said to ‘avoid’ pro-Trump homes speaks out- Washington Examiner


EXCLUSIVE — A report from earlier this week showed that a FEMA supervisor advised her team to “avoid” Florida homes “advertising Trump.” That supervisor, Marn’i Washington, says she is a “patsy” and that FEMA made her a “scapegoat.”

Washington told the Washington Examiner that not only did she and her teams canvas houses with Trump signage, “we’ve registered and provided resources to Trump supporters.”

The language in the leaked screenshot was “shorthand,” according to Washington. She explained the full context: Washington let her supervisors “know specific streets we could not do because of hostile political encounters,” and according to communications obtained by the Washington Examiner, she was encouraged and supported in her decision to avoid certain streets “to keep the team safe.”

Washington noted that the next bullet point on the…

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