Federal Judge Threatening Trump Admin With Criminal Charges Over Spending Freeze Used To Be A Major Dem Donor


The federal judge who suggested Trump administration officials could face criminal contempt over the spending freeze on Monday is a Democrat donor.

John J. McConnell, Jr., chief judge of the U.S. district court in Rhode Island, ordered the Trump administration to “immediately restore frozen funding” after determining officials violated his prior restraining order and suggesting further opposition could result in criminal charges.

McConnell cited a 1975 case that states, “Persons who make private determinations of the law and refuse to obey an order generally risk criminal contempt even if the order is ultimately ruled incorrect.”

While he was in private practice as an attorney until 2009, McConnell donated hundreds of thousands to Democratic campaigns and political action committees, including 2008 presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Barack Obama, Read more…


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