Federal Court Rules Texas Can Keep Its Floating Border Barriers In Place

The Fifth Circuit ruled Tuesday that Texas will be able to continue using its floating barriers in the Rio Grande river in order to deter illegal immigrant crossings.

Last June Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced the installment of the floating line of buoys as he signed a series of border security bills, giving the state $5.1 billion in funding as it continues to be at the epicenter of the border crisis. (RELATED: Biden Admin Fishes For Domestic Extremists While Illegal Immigrants On Terror Watchlist Stream Across US Border)

“What we’re doing right now, we’re securing the border, at the border,” Abbott said at the time. “What these buoys will allow us to do is to prevent people from even getting to the border.”

By December 2023, a preliminary injunction had been imposed by the Biden administration along with the Department of Justice (DOJ) suing Abbott over the…

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