EXCLUSIVE: Kamala Harris Buses In Attendees To One Of Her Final Nevada Rallies

In the election’s final days, Loomer Unleashed has become increasingly curious about Kamala Harris’s rally crowds following our exclusive reporting during her Tuesday speech in D.C., which showed Kamala’s “supporters” being bused into the event and chanting “revolution” during her speech. Following our reporting on Tuesday, we decided to follow Kamala Harris to Nevada for her Las Vegas Halloween rally. Before Kamala Harris’s Vegas rally began, Loomer Unleashed obtained an email sent to Kamala’s “supporters,” stating that Lyft was offering ride credits to those attending Kamala’s rally and that those attending should bring their mail-in ballots. When we arrived at Kamala’s rally, we witnessed “supporters” of Kamala being bused into the venue. As we approached Kamala’s rally “check-in” location, Kamala’s “supporters” scanned a QR code to be…

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