In the world of new TVs, the goalposts are always moving. As soon as you feel safe splurging on a new set, another reason to hold out comes along. First there was 3D. Then 4K. Let’s not forget about OLED and quantum dots, then cheaper 4K and cheaper OLED. This year is no exception, with another new technology offering another reason to hold your horses. It’s called HDR video, which is short for “high dynamic range.”
HDR is not about extra pixels. Every set capable of handling HDR video already can display 4K video. Instead, HDR makes images with widely varying lights and darks look better on your screen. It’s great! You totally want it. But like most nascent technologies, barriers abound for early adopters. From high prices to a dearth of video sources, there are many things to consider before you buy into HDR.
What Is HDR Video?
If the “HDR” acronym sounds familiar, it’s because you’ve…