Evangelicals for Harris call for deconstruction of WHITE JESUS, say white evangelicals need to DIE – NaturalNews.com

Evangelicals for Harris call for deconstruction of WHITE JESUS, say white evangelicals need to DIE

A Chicago-based second-generation “Latina preacher” by the name of Sandra Van Opstal is leading a panel on behalf of Evangelicals for Harris, a “Christian” campaign organization that wants to deconstruct “white Jesus” while killing off white evangelicals.

On August 14, Opstal will speak alongside other Evangelicals for Harris – Kamala herself endorsed this group, by the way – who say they are tired of “white church” and would rather reimagine “the intersection of faith and justice.”

The executive director of another group called Chasing Justice, Opstal contributed to A Rhythm of Prayer. She also authored a book called The Next Worship that one can only imagine from the title is all about recreating the Christian religion in Opstal’s image.

Kamala referred to Opstal as a…

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