‘Drive to Survive’ Is a Secret ‘Real Housewives’ Franchise


I love that people love sporting events, but they’re not for me. I’m only capable of following the game as a story, and even then I don’t particularly excel. The characters change too quickly! There are too many of them! I enjoy sports docs and fictional movies for precisely this reason: Directors refine the narratives and do a ton of hand-holding through the elements of play. This is why I started watching Netflix’s Formula 1: Drive to Survive. The reason I continued to watch, though, is not because it’s a fun show about race-car drivers zipping around a track, though technically that is true. I kept watching because within four episodes I realized that, at heart, it’s not a sports docuseries. Fundamentally, Drive to Survive is a secret, unofficial, barely disguised Real Housewives…

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