Doocy Reveals What Happened After Biden Famously Called Him ‘Stupid Son Of A B*tch’


Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy said Friday that President Joe Biden never fulfilled his promise of taking the reporter out for lunch after he famously called him a “stupid son of a bitch.”

A hot mic caught Biden calling Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch” after he asked about the potential “political liability” inflation could have for Democrats during a press conference in January 2022. The Fox News correspondent, who has covered Biden since the launch of his 2020 campaign, said the president called him to address the name call and promised to take him out for lunch, which never ended up occurring.

“I feel like I can say this now because it never happened,” Doocy told the “Fox & Friends” co-hosts. “HE called me and initially he told me ‘it’s nothing personal, pal’ that he said a bad word. And he also said, and this was at the tail-end of…

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