Don’t Get Why GOP Wants to Repeal Bidenomics, Which Has ‘the IRS Working’ to Go After ‘Tax Cheats’

On Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein reacted to criticism of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda during this week’s Republican debate by stating he doesn’t understand why Republicans want to repeal things like “the IRS working much more effectively to meet the needs of taxpayers and to close the tax gap by going after tax cheats above 400,000, in fact, way above 400,000 in terms of…their income.”

Bernstein said, “I talked about how the strong labor market, consumer spending, real wage gains, how important they are right now. I think equally important is the investment agenda of Bidenomics. Another tailwind here is the process of standing up a domestic semiconductor industry, a domestic clean energy product industry, domestic EV and electric batteries. Those are jobs here…

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