Donald Trump ‘Doesn’t Love America’

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that former President Donald Trump did not love America.

Host Jen Psaki said, “I’m sure you are aware of the controversy that broke out over some comments that Trump made about Milwaukee, which is hosting the Republican convention coming up later this summer. He reportedly called Milwaukee a horrible city. He called Washington a filthy and crime-ridden embarrassment. He has called Chicago worse than Afghanistan. He once called Baltimore a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess. These are America’s cities. what do you make of his comments, and what is driving it?”

Booker said, “This is the spirit of the man. This is a person who doesn’t love America. He demeans and degrades some of our most precious and beloved places. He demeans and degrades the people that live there, the people that dedicate…

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