Does Biden care more about Ukrainian lives than Israeli ones?

President Joe Biden has been wrong on matters of foreign policy for his entire career.

He was wrong on the Soviet Union, wrong on the first Iraq war, and wrong on the second Iraq war. He oversaw the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. He emboldened the world’s largest funder of terrorism, Iran. He built Hamas a delivery port and handed terrorists hundreds of millions of dollars worth of supposed aid in food and medical supplies.

And, under his watch, Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, an escalation of the war between the two nations that began in 2014 under Biden’s brother from another mother, President Barack Obama.

It’s no coincidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded under one Democratic president, did nothing under a Republican president, and then invaded again once a Democrat was back in control.

The problem isn’t just that Biden is inept on the…

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