Disney – and Hollywood Overall


Disney’s “Snow White” was released, and the numbers are not looking good. Not that anyone thought they would. The film has been an ongoing disaster since day one, with lead actress Rachel Zegler doing the most to destroy any goodwill audiences might have had with it. 

To go over it all would take a book, but luckily, RedState’s been on it with this major cultural war beachhead, and we’ve got our articles concerning the event neatly for you here. I suggest taking a look-see at the list in case you need context. I’ve also done some videos on the subject on my YouTube, and you can watch that playlist here. Actual video review soon to follow. 

But it needs to be understood that this film has bombed so badly that it will leave Disney with one of two choices. The “Snow White” film isn’t just garbage; it’s borderline insulting garbage. It does very little to make anyone mad on a…

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