Detroit Pastor Larenzo Sewell’s Prayer at Trump’s Inauguration Was One for the Books – RedState


If you’ve never heard of Larenzo Sewell before, you definitely know him now. 

Pastor Sewell is the head pastor at the 180 Church on Detroit’s west side. He’s a man who isn’t afraid to put political themes in his sermons as he is of the mind that the Bible is, in fact, a political book with a political message. 

“The gospel message is a political message. The Bible is a political book, from Genesis to Revelations. We see that the Bible is a political book,” Sewell told Fox News. “It is impossible to be politically neutral.”

Sewell hosted Trump at his church for a roundtable discussion back in June, and it was there that Sewell gave an impromptu prayer that affected Trump enough to tell him that he would give a prayer at his inauguration. 

“He said you prayed that way for me, at the inauguration, you’ll be there,” Sewell said according to ABC…

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