Dems Promise To Save ‘Democracy’ By Destroying SCOTUS

It’s difficult to sit here and make substantive arguments against the Democrats’ Supreme Court “reform” proposal, since everyone knows it’s just a cynical ploy to delegitimize both the court and the Constitution.

Ask yourself this: would any Democrat support the president’s court-packing scheme if they believed Republicans would win both Houses and the presidency? Of course not. It’s Calvinball all the way down.

And it is a court packing scheme. An unconstitutional one. One imagines the term “court packing” hasn’t polled very well with the public, so Biden — or whoever’s running the White House these days — signed off on a backdoor plan. An 18-year term limit for justices would, very conveniently, turn a 6-3 originalist majority into a 6-3 “living and breathing document” majority that would overturn many recent decisions, and rubber…

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