Democrats Try on ‘Freedom’—but It Doesn’t Fit – RedState


Democrats appear to be trying several different strategies to ensure Vice President Kamala Harris becomes the next president in 2024.

From the dubious tactic of labeling their opposition as “weird” to trying to repeat the word “joyful” over and over again, it is clear that they realize running on policy is not going to help them win in November.

Now, it appears the left has launched another initiative: Taking the word “freedom” from Republicans. In a Friday op-ed, Washington Post columnist Amanda Katz claims the Democrats have successfully “snatched” the term back from “Trump and the Republicans.”

The author starts off by claiming the term was traditionally used to describe progressive ideology seeking to uphold “opportunities and rights for a growing range of Americans.” She then points out that freedom has also been seen as a way of pushing back against…

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