This past summer, I walked through one of the most difficult tragedies in my life: miscarrying my precious fourth child. When I started experiencing symptoms, I immediately got in touch with my doctor, and she confirmed my worst fear through an ultrasound and blood test: I lost my baby, which happened to be the same day as my father-in-law’s funeral.
Many women share the overwhelming and devastating experience of miscarrying; about 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in the miscarriage of the child. Healing isn’t quick or easy, emotionally or physically. It can take days, sometimes even weeks, of physical pain, bleeding, and eventually miscarrying. After that, more tears, numbness, hormonal changes, sleepless nights, and bodily aches fill the months ahead, all a constant reminder that you lost the child you wanted and loved so much. Having to carry on with life and tell…