Democratic Voters Tell Party To Chill Out With All The Left-Wing Nonsense: POLL

Democratic voters are craving moderation following a grueling election cycle for the party’s candidates during which a majority of Americans appeared to reject left-wing policies at the ballot box.

Approximately 45% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents would like the Democratic Party to become “more moderate,” according to Gallup polling released Thursday. Despite a significant number of Democratic voters wanting the party to move toward the ideological center, most Democratic lawmakers appear to be holding firm to left-wing policies that appear to be political losers. (RELATED: Democrats Spiral Into Civil War Over How To Resist Trump, Lashing Out At Their Own Voters)

Nearly half of Democrats favoring moderation follows voters souring on the Biden-Harris administration, which delivered one of the most left-wing policy agendas in American history. Though…

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