Democrat Study Finds Party Is Overly Focused on Diversity and Elites


The Democratic Party needs reform due to its hyperfocus on diversity and elitism, according to research by the far-left group Navigator Research.

Democrats are grappling with why President-elect Donald Trump won reelection in a landslide.

Democrats have floated many theories. Some of the theories include putting the blame on inflation or suggesting black and Hispanic voters voted for Trump because they are misogynists.

Navigator Research’s findings indicate the Democrats are too weak, too out of touch with the American worker, and too exclusionary of ethnocentric ideas.

The researches studied three types of voters: Young men from swing states who voted for Trump in 2024 but voted for Biden in 2020, swing state voters who did not vote in 2024 but voted for Biden in 2020, voters from Democrat states who voted Democrats in the past but for Trump in 2024.

Politico reported the…

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