Dem Abortion Advantage Has ‘Dwindled to Statistical Insignificance’

While nearly half of voters say they are pro-choice, Democrats’ advantage on the issue has “dwindled to statistical insignificance,” according to Rasmussen Reports.

The latest survey from Rasmussen found that 45 percent of likely U.S. voters trust Democrats more to handle abortion than Republicans, while 43 percent trust Republicans more, and 12 percent are undecided.

“The Democrats’ advantage on the issue is down from a four-point margin (43 percent to 39 percent) in January, and has shrunk drastically since last November, when Democrats led by 11 points on the abortion issue,” according to the survey report. 

The survey found that nearly half (49 percent) of voters consider themselves to be pro-choice, 42 percent say they are pro-life, and 10 percent are unsure. These most recent findings have not varied since Rasmussen polled on the subject in January. 

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